Welcome to the website of ESCOM-Italy, the Regional Representative of the ESCOM-European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music

ESCOM is an international non-profit society with the aim to support theoretical, experimental and applied research in the cognitive sciences of music. The society disseminates knowledge of music perception and cognition, and encourages European and international cooperation within the fields of cognitive sciences of music.

ESCOM-Italy aims to support and promote research in the cognitive sciences of music in Italy.


II Meeting ESCOM-Italy 2024
5 ottobre 2024


Thematic Session Escom-Italy
XX International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis Conservatorio di Musica Salerno
19-22 Ottobre 2023

Abstract of presentations

Cross European Winter School on
Musical Ability
1-5 February 2021-Online

Abstract Book of the First Meeting of Escom-Italy 2018

First Meeting Escom-Italy 2018

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